Sunday, August 16, 2020

Welcome and Blessed Be

 Welcome to the world of Existential Crisis Mode!  I am the witch Luciole Ravenwing, Luc (pronouced like "loose") for short.  This year has been a year for exponential personal growth for me as well as a year of crisis for the entire world.  I want to share my journey with you, share my love of positivity with you and hopefully help you achieve a better, happier frame of mind and peace in your life.  Life really is what we make it, our little thoughts and choices shape it every day.  Changing your life begins by changing your mind and soul. It's not easy, because bad habits are always difficult to break...but it can be done!

Today I want to share with you how I found this path, my name and a very special talisman that was given to me and it's meaning.  Let's start with the path.  I am a Green Witch, I thrive in the sun and moon both.  I need nature to flourish and my connection with it keeps me grounded and balanced.  I have known my entire life that I was different, but like so many, I pushed it away and tried to be what others wanted.  It made me a miserable, mean person.  It took quite a bit of heartache to break free of that, and much of it I am still dealing with and will for my whole life, but I know have knowledge of who I am and what I am meant to do.  I thrive when I am helping and nurturing others.  I am a healer and learning my craft every second.  

My name came to me in stages.  Luciole many years ago, it means "firefly".  I like the firefly live in both the light and dark and where they meet.  Ravenwing took much longer to come to me and at first I didn't understand it. When I finally did though, it made me feel so warm and loved.  Ravenwing, the raven is also at home in both the light and dark and it's wings carry the darkness of the night sky and the warmth of the sun.  In my name I learned so much about me, my love for dawn and dusk, the sun and moon and the times of day when they meet briefly.  Those are magical times when, for me, magic is strong and real and I can soak it into my spirit.

And finally, the talisman. It's story is long, because it's history is long. It is a wanderer, every traveling and gaining knowledge.

That lovely wooden heart finally spoke to me today and I was blown away by what it told me.  Firstly, it is hanging from my rear view mirror, a place of great honor in my life.  I have always had something in that place that held a great love in my heart.  For the past year, I did not and it was sad and I felt that empty spot in my life, so to realize it was filled again was wonderful.  This heart was given to me by one of my partners, and then given back for a time and came to me again not long ago.  I wore it around my neck until it told me where it's place was.  The spirit and love in that heart watch over me as I travel, for it is a traveler as am I.  Driving gives me peace.  The stones represent my partners on one side and my soul mates on the other (one of whom watches over me from the beyond).  This beautiful heart will continue to gather wisdom as we travel together now, watching over me in all my adventures.  It will hear all the conversations in the car and all the things my spirit speaks as I drive and reflect on my life and path.  I am truly blessed to have this in my life.

That ends the chaotic introduction to me.  I am always chaos, but some days I can be slightly more sedate.  I wish you happiness and love in all you do.

Blessed Be,

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Welcome and Blessed Be

 Welcome to the world of Existential Crisis Mode!  I am the witch Luciole Ravenwing, Luc (pronouced like "loose") for short.  This...